What future do you want?

motion graphic Brand film for Capgemini

TITLE: What future do you want?

ROLES: Direction, Design and Animation


CLIENT: Capgemini

Description: Capgemini wanted a film that voiced the future hopes and aspirations of their employees, which in turn voiced the future that Capgemini wants to help create, both within their workplace and their contribution to the world through the work they do. They wanted the film to be the animated voices of the employees whilst maintaining their brands style.



In our creative journey, we began with what we fondly call a 'stealo' - a vibrant video mood-board capturing the essence of design and animation we envisioned. Inspired by the sophistication of magazine layouts, we meticulously fused imagery and typography to convey information in a premium, visually appealing manner. From these concepts, we crafted detailed designs, drawing from elements in the script, shaping the film's overall aesthetic. These design examples served as a foundation, guiding us toward fully rendered storyboards. These storyboards, although static, offered a rich visual narrative, allowing our clients to immerse themselves in the concept and set the stage for the dynamic animation that would follow.



Creating social versions of the main films we craft is the new norm, however, with this project, we had to work backwards as at different points they required the social cutdowns faster than the main film could be signed off. It simply presented a new challenge. Crafting work that would influence the main film rather than the other way around.



Once the direction of the design and animation was established we began work on a design storyboard. This is a more polished version of what we intend to animate, creating the designs concepts for each panel and a suggestion of how the transitions would work.


This project required a number of interactions before we began work on the final animated film. Each panel that was designed brought us closer to something that everyone felt encompassed Capgemini’s brand as well as developing the film’s narrative.

As with all these things, some designs I felt we truly nailed didn’t make it, as they say ‘they hit the cutting room floor.